Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I don't know where the time went! I've written and performed some new pieces, continued directing the handbell choir at church (not to mention the Chancel Choir and our contemporary ensemble), become assistant director of San Francisco Lyric Chorus, and otherwise filled up time in a number of interesting ways...but not said anything here since December.

Oh, yeah: And it's past time to celebrate the publication of I Come with Joy, a collection of my liturgical piano pieces published in March 2007 by Augsburg Fortress. I'm quite pleased by the set.

In succeeding entries I want to look at some of my compositions, including the piano pieces, comment on a blog or two I've been enjoying lately, and look at a couple of pieces I'm going to be playing soon: Herbert Howells' Partita and Amy Beach's Grand Mass in E-flat. Right now, I'm off to practice (26 days left before the Howells goes public...).

For now, that's music to my ears.